Rongcheng will launch an integrated machine scanning and cleaning vehicle



Our News (Reporter Xu Caifang/Wen Lvcheng/Image): A type of environmental sanitation vehicle with dual "functions", which can clean and clean the road at the same time. Next Monday, 10 such environmental sanitation vehicles will be launched in Fuzhou to solve the problem of insufficient manpower for urban expressway cleaning. Yesterday, the reporter learned from Fuzhou Urban Administrative and Law Enforcement Bureau Bureau that in addition to the above 10 machine sweeping and cleaning vehicles, 10 high-pressure water trucks and 10 road sweepers will be introduced at the same time, which will greatly reduce the investment in sanitation manpower.

Rongcheng will launch an integrated machine scanning and cleaning vehicle

Our News (Reporter Xu Caifang/Wen Lvcheng/Image): A type of environmental sanitation vehicle with dual "functions", which can clean and clean the road at the same time. Next Monday, 10 such environmental sanitation vehicles will be launched in Fuzhou to solve the problem of insufficient manpower for urban expressway cleaning.
Yesterday, the reporter learned from Fuzhou Urban Administrative and Law Enforcement Bureau Bureau that in addition to the above 10 machine sweeping and cleaning vehicles, 10 high-pressure water trucks and 10 road sweepers will be introduced at the same time, which will greatly reduce the investment in sanitation manpower.
The cleaning of the fast lane will enable the use of machine scanning integrated vehicles; "The roads that people cannot or dare not enter will be operated by these machine sweeping and cleaning integrated vehicles in the future", Wu Ruiping from the Health Department of Fuzhou Environmental Sanitation Department pointed out the advantages of this vehicle.
Indeed, due to safety problems before, the urban cleaning in Fuzhou was limited to slow lanes and sidewalks, and Sanitation worker could not enter the fast lane, even if they did, they could not sweep.
While the all-in-one vehicle can reduce the dust, it can also sweep the sand and other impurities to both sides of the road. When the road is dry, the dust will automatically stick to the road, and Sanitation worker can clean it again.
Machine sweeping fully covers the main road of the Second Ring Road; Nowadays, except for narrow roads that require manual cleaning, after the 28th, with 30 new cars joining the existing 24 machine sweeping teams, machine sweeping will fully cover the main roads of the Second Ring Road.
It is understood that the specific road section for machine operation is still being planned, but within the Second Ring Road, including Cangshan, it will be included in the machine operation. This means that Fuzhou will expand its 18 to 19 roads for machine sweeping and flushing.
With more cement roads in the urban area of Fuzhou being converted into asphalt pavement, dust continues to fill the relatively rough asphalt pavement. However, with the use of these machine sweeping integrated vehicles, these new problems will also be easily solved.
In addition, in the past, the Viaduct was difficult to clean, and dust often accumulated on both sides of the road, making it a sanitary corner. Now, the machine sweeping integrated vehicle can also easily deal with them.

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